Was wir interessant finden…

Blogs, Bücher und andere Dinge, die wir empfehlen.


Crisis Intervention and Sustainability

Unternehmen rüsten sich für die Zeit nach der Produktionsunterbrechung und der ersten Coronaschockwelle. Geschäftsmodelle werden reflektiert, und Widerstandsfähigkeit gewinnt an Stellenwert gegenüber der reinen Kostenbetrachtung von Zulieferbeziehungen.

PE is Already Driving Towards the Digital Future

Private Equity is active and instrumental in selecting investments that fit the digital future, and are doing this for sound financial reasons.

Sustainable Investment – Why and when are we getting more radical in our asset allocation?

Science and industry surveys are delivering a persistent message Global warming has been scientifically explored since the 1960s. Public attention grew with the publication of The Limits to Growth warning of an eventual collapse of production and living standards due to resource depletion.

The Business Case for Digitizing Processes

Forget Boris Johnson for the moment. In this case “do-or-die” could be true. If a company fails to keep up with digital trends and corporate digitalization, it will be handing a huge advantage to its competitors that do.

Getting an early view of management quality

New investors in a company need to have an early view of the quality of the top management team. Our proprietary management assessment approach enables potential investors to rate managers against those specific competencies needed to achieve the growth strategy.


We will strive to maintain and grow the trust and confidence that you have put in us during the past year – some examples.

Board Observers

The Board Observer– not a real outsider, nor a complete insider, but possibly a great asset to good corporate governance.

Board Composition – Three considerations for putting your board together

Finding a new board composition or planning succession of existing board members means to make choices among competencies and individuals. Not all desirable skills and experienced people can be included at the same table - how to proceed selecting them?

Leadership Development puts people centre stage

Leadership Development needs to embed People Change and Process Change to bring it alive!

Four Steps To Minimize The Risk Of Top Management Failing

Sharing some new techniques to help focus down on the leadership competencies that management must have to achieve success with the business plan’s ‘Must-Win-Battles’, and for you, to reduce surprises and the risk of churn at the top.

Bücher und Artikel

Viewpoint: New Management Skills Needed Post-Corona

As if I did not need another reminder, I recently stumbled…

Mariana Mazzucato: The Value of Everything

The Value of Everything rigorously scrutinizes the way in which economic value has been determined and reveals how the difference between value creation and value extraction has become increasingly blurry.

A Must Read for Modern Management: Reinventing Organizations

This book lays down many of the foundations for a Millennial-aligned and agile organization. Laloux dissects and analyses the inappropriateness of the past four management approaches and structures, and describes his "Teal" evolutionary and self-managing organisation form and how it functions.

Artikel: Warum ist Mensch sein zurzeit eigentlich so anstrengend?

Schon zu unseren Lebzeiten könnte es laut Harari passieren, dass Hunderte Millionen Menschen aus dem Arbeitsmarkt verdrängt werden, weil künstliche Intelligenz und Roboter alles besser können

Bücher: A Brief History of Humankind

Der Homo sapiens regiert die Welt, weil er das einzige Tier ist, das in der Lage ist, an Dinge zu glauben, die nur in seiner eigenen Vorstellung existieren, wie Götter, Staaten, Geld und Menschenrechte.